Island Adventure
Get ready for an event like no other event ever done in Trinidad and Tobago!!! A day full of water adventures! Please note, this is not your average event, leave your fancy clothes at home, come prepared to get wet and go home tired!!
DATE: 1st August – Emancipation Day
VENUE: “Down D Islands”
MEETING POINTS: VIP- Crews Inn | General – Black Jack Marina
D E T A I L S:
Boat Shuttle Service
Adventure Water Park
Pull Alongs
A D D I T I O N A L F U N:
Dolphin Boarding
Stand Up Paddle
P R I C E S:
VIP – Yacht Experience (Food & Drink Inclusive) – TT$650 (Parking Not Included)
General – TT$350-Coolers Welcomed
Additional Activities (Limited Spaces Available)
Stand Up Paddle: TT$25 for half hour (Only 60 spaces available)
Dolphin Boarding: $350 for half hour (Only 6 spaces available)