Island Adventure


Get ready for an event like no other event ever done in Trinidad and Tobago!!! A day full of water adventures! Please note, this is not your average event, leave your fancy clothes at home, come prepared to get wet and go home tired!!

DATE: 1st August – Emancipation Day

VENUE: “Down D Islands”

MEETING POINTS: VIP- Crews Inn | General – Black Jack Marina

D E T A I L S:

Boat Shuttle Service

Adventure Water Park


Pull Alongs

A D D I T I O N A L  F U N:

Dolphin Boarding

Stand Up Paddle

P R I C E S:

VIP – Yacht Experience (Food & Drink Inclusive) – TT$650 (Parking Not Included)

General – TT$350-Coolers Welcomed

Additional Activities (Limited Spaces Available)

Stand Up Paddle: TT$25 for half hour (Only 60 spaces available)

Dolphin Boarding: $350 for half hour (Only 6 spaces available)

    Event Registration

    Fields marked with an * are required

    If you would like to take part in our event, please fill in your details in this Event Registration Form below and you will be automatically registered. Event registration must be completed at least seven (7) days prior to the event.

    I acknowledge that I am responsible for my own safety and well-being during Island Adventure dated 1st August 2017. I willingly and knowingly assume for myself all risk of physical injury and emotional upset which may occur during this event, and I hereby agree to deem RoamTT, officially called Roam Travels Trinidad and Tobago, Island Experiences TT, Fun in Trini and HikeNation, their employees, sponsors and/or volunteers harmless from any and all liability arising out of my participation. I agree not to take any action, or direct others to take any action, that violates the law or puts myself or others at risk.


    Once you have registered please contact any one of the following committee members to facilitate ticket purchases in your area or head on down to Island Experiences main office at Normandie Hotel

    Ticket Options

    Island Experience - Normandie Hotel - Office open from 8AM - 4PM

    RoamTT - 727-4526 | 331-1900

    HikeNation - 333-4453

    Island experience - 621-0407